Supporting Critical Infrastructure Recovery: Roberts Oxygen’s Role in the Key Bridge Demolition Project

CGA is proud to work with companies across the country and around the world that are committed to supporting vital infrastructure projects, especially in times of urgent need. In the picture below, one of CGA member Roberts Oxygen’s trucks delivers essential supplies to the demolition team working on dismantling the wrecked Baltimore Key Bridge.

oxygen truck parked

The collapse of the bridge was a tragic event that resulted in the loss of multiple lives. Roberts Oxygen, along with other CGA members, quickly responded to ensure the demolition teams have all the necessary supplies to proceed efficiently and safely. Roberts Oxygen made their first delivery of oxygen and propane on March 27, the first business day after the incident. Since then, deliveries have been made daily, with some days requiring multiple trips.

“We are proud to be able to assist in the ongoing work to remove the damaged bridge and return Baltimore’s Port to service” said Dave Mason, Senior Vice President of Operations at Roberts Oxygen. “Our hearts go out to the Baltimore community and to the families of the six maintenance crew workers who were tragically killed during the collapse.”

Roberts Oxygen’s contributions have included:

  • Cryogenic containers of oxygen: Essential for various demolition processes.
  • Low pressure containers of propane: Used for cutting and other critical tasks.
  • Gas cutting equipment: Vital for the precise dismantling of the damaged structure.

“Their dedication to timely and reliable delivery has been unwavering, ensuring the demolition team can work without interruption.” Said CGA President and CEO, Rich Gottwald. “We are proud that our members were able to mobilize quickly and safely following the bridge collapse.”

If you wish to donate the Key Bridge Emergency Response Fund, please visit: