June 2024 National Safety Month cover

June is National Safety Month

According to the National Safety Council, preventable injuries, commonly known as “accidents,” are the fourth leading cause of U.S. deaths.

Join CGA, and our members around the world, in observing National Safety Month as we work together to share the latest safety resources for our industry so we can prevent accidents and save lives. Join us on social media, share one of our pre-made social media posts, and go #CGASafetyMonth2024.

Get Involved in 3 Easy Steps


Learn more about the Safety Month weekly themes and sign up for Safety Month Resources.


Your commitment to safety for our industry. Take the CGA Safety Pledge today.


Help us turn social media feeds blue – download our media kit and social media sharables and get the word out.

Weekly Themes

Week 1: Safety 101

Week 2: Avoiding Accidents

Week 3: Finding Safety Resources

Week 4: Emergency Response

CGA Safety Resource Centers

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) publishes a growing line of posters and related safety materials for users who are new to interacting with our industry’s products.

The Safety Resource Centers, offer free, downloadable safety posters along with additional information and resources for topics including dry ice, home and medical oxygen, liquid nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, cylinders and equipment, flammable gases, and refrigerated and cryogenic equipment.

“CGA has been a leader in compressed gas industry safety for over 100 years. We are proud to work with CGA and our fellow members to spread our safety message far and wide. June is our chance to make it happen. Join us this month for #CGASafetyMonth2024.”

Safety Month News

H2 EcoSystem

The Hydrogen Safety Ecosystem: An Essential Resource for Safe Hydrogen Practices

As hydrogen gains prominence, ensuring its safe handling and utilization becomes paramount. Recognizing this need, the International Harmonization Council (IHC) of which the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) is a member, took a significant step earlier this year by creating the “Hydrogen Safety Ecosystem”.

Ad Hoc Committee Formation: Review of 2023 UN SCETDG & UN SCEGHS Papers

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) is forming an Ad Hoc Committee (AHC) to review and, if necessary, respond to papers submitted for the November/December 2023 sessions of the United Nations Sub-Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN SCETDG) and UN Sub-Committee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (UN SCEGHS).


CO2 Solutions Coalition Urges Clarity and Support from the United States Treasury

In a proactive move aimed at maintaining the steady supply of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), the CO2 Solutions Coalition, composed of CO2 Suppliers, and end users, under the leadership of the Compressed Gas Association (CGA), has submitted a formal letter to the United States Treasury seeking guidance that aligns with the congressional vision for incentivizing CO2 utilization while addressing specific regulatory concerns.

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