June 2024 National Safety Month cover

National Safety Month Spotlights Compressed Gas Industry’s Commitment to Safety

This June, the Compressed Gas Association (CGA) is proud to participate in National Safety Month, a dedicated period to emphasize workplace safety across industries. Throughout the month, CGA will lead its members in an engaging series of initiatives designed to educate, inform, and empower the compressed gas community on safety best practices.

The focus of National Safety Month will revolve around four key weekly themes, S.A.F.E, each addressing critical aspects of safety in the compressed gas industry.

Week 1: Safety 101
The journey begins with Safety 101, laying a solid foundation of safety principles applicable both on and off the job. CGA will delve into core safety practices and resources, ensuring that every member understands the fundamentals necessary for a safe work environment.

Week 2: Avoiding Accidents
The second week will highlight strategies to prevent accidents in the compressed gas workplace. Through practical tips, CGA will underscore the importance of proactive measures and vigilance in accident prevention.

Week 3: Finding Safety Resources
Week 3 will equip members with a comprehensive set of safety resources. CGA will showcase an array of tools, from graphics to tip sheets, empowering individuals to access critical safety information easily.

Week 4: Emergency Response
The final week of National Safety Month will focus on emergency response preparedness. CGA will share insights into effective emergency protocols, ensuring that members are well-prepared to handle unexpected situations with confidence and efficiency.

Throughout this month-long campaign, CGA will facilitate engagement through a variety of channels. Members can anticipate a wealth of resources, including a media toolkit, informative articles, and engaging visuals tailored to each weekly theme. By fostering discussion and sharing actionable insights, CGA aims to cultivate a culture of safety that extends beyond National Safety Month.

Join us this June as we celebrate National Safety Month and reinforce our commitment to safety excellence in the compressed gas industry. Together, let’s prioritize safety, empower our workforce, and lead by example. Stay tuned for updates, share your experiences, and let’s make safety a collective priority.

Looking to get started?

Take the Safety Pledge. Last year, more than 320 individuals from 48 companies took the CGA Safety Pledge. This year we want to hit 500, but we need your help! We are asking you to take the pledge and send it to your peers. It may seem simple, but this gesture shows our industry’s commitment to safety.

For more information and to participate in National Safety Month activities, visit the CGA website and follow us on social media platforms using #CGASafetyMonth. Let’s make safety everyone’s business!

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